Items in stock will be dispatched within 24 hours and usually receive within 2-7 working days. The tracking number will be sent to your mailbox by email, or you can log in to your account to check.

We have US warehouses, Hong Kong warehouses, German warehouses, Canadian warehouses and mainland China warehouses. We will adjust the delivery warehouse of the order according to your delivery address, delivery time limit and inventory balance.

Sorry, the shipping address cannot be changed if your order has already shipped. Please provide your correct address if your order has not been shipped.

If your order has not been shipped, we will cancel it for you and you will receive a refund within 1-3 business days. If your order has been shipped please contact the sales team.

If your order has multiple products or overweight items, we will split the shipment for you based on the principle of protecting the goods and notify you by email.

If your order has not been shipped, please inform the sales team to replace the product, and we will calculate the corresponding price difference. If your order has been shipped, please contact the after-sales team.

If your order has been shipped, it may be that there is a shortage of flights, the goods have encountered customs inspection, or the shipment needs to be cleared. If your order is not shipped, it may be that a popular product is out of stock or there is a shortage of important accessories for the product. Weather/natural disasters may have a certain impact on flight or logistics transportation timeliness. In special cases, the sales team will contact you by email and process the order according to your wishes.