Discover the ultimate in performance enhancements for your 2007.5-2009 Ram Cummins 6.7L with our carefully curated selection of high-quality upgrades.

Our offerings, specifically designed for these model years, include everything from DPF Delete Tuners and Pipes to EGR Delete Kits, high-performance Exhausts, Air Intakes, and robust Fuel Pumps. Each product is engineered to elevate your vehicle’s performance, boost efficiency, and extend durability.

Whether you’re looking to enhance towing power or increase overall engine output, our expertly chosen components ensure you achieve top-tier performance.

Upgrade your truck today and experience unparalleled excellence with our tailored solutions.

Ram Cummins 6.7L – Throttle Valve Delete (2007.5-2021)

Original price was: $143.00.Current price is: $96.53.

Ram Cummins 6.7L – Grid Heater Delete (2007.5-2018)

Original price was: $439.98.Current price is: $274.99.

Ram Cummins 6.7L – All-in-One DPF/DEF/EGR Delete Kit (2007.5-2009)

Original price was: $1,990.00.Current price is: $1,243.75.

Ram Cummins 6.7L – EGR & Cooler Delete Kit (2007.5-2009)

Original price was: $275.00.Current price is: $171.88.